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Jericho – Federal Response

Federal Response
First aired: 10/18/2006Writer: Mike Ostrowski Director: Duane Clark Guest star: Kristen Rodriguez (Lisa Whalley), Jazz Raycole (Allison Hawkins), April D. Parker (Darcy), Sterling D. Ardrey (Samuel Hawkins), Darby Stanchfield (April Green), Candace Bailey (Skylar Stevens), Clare Carey (Mary Bailey), Beth Grant (Gracie Leigh), Richard Speight, Jr. (Bill), Alicia Coppola (Mimi Clark) , Shiloh Fernandez (Sean Henthorn), George Hammett (Fire Captain), Mackenzie Hannigan (Lucas), Stevie Walsh Junior (Danny), Hailey McCann (Ashlee McVee), Bobby Stephenson (Jimmy)

Well, the good people of Jericho finally got some sort of outside connection. Of course it just might be an accidental connection that doesn’t mean anything. The power comes on, and everyone gets a phone call from Assistant secretary Walsh from the department of homeland security. It seems that in the cases of pretty bad disasters it’s a sort of reverse 911 network that shoots a message out to all available phones. It apparently came out of Topeka. He tells them to stay where they are if they are safe, and that help is coming. So of course everyone goes batshit and tries to use the phones which ties up the network again.

So the power is back on, the phones and apparently the internet, but not in any form we are used to. It seems the internet is on some sort of proxy. All you get is a page, exactly like the one on all the tv channels, saying emergency alert. Interesting.. I would love to get that 404 traffic. We get some hints at why Jake left Jericho, and that he wasn’t the golden child of the town. We also see something quite interesting scene from Robert Hawkins, where he managed to bypass the proxy with a login and get to some page that looks Russian… Not sure what that was all about, but he types out a message in what looks like a web based messenger window, it doesn’t look like an email. The message is a string of numbers, 29.203.30 or 34, it was kind of fuzzy. I’m betting it’s the begging of an IP address as a big deal was made of pointing out what an IP address is in an earlier scene.

The power coming on of course caused some problems. Massive power surges all throughout town. Emily gets hit by a line and electrocuted, and the library catches fire. Heather has to run into the library to save a small child that ran in to save Alice in wonderland. The paramedics show up, so do the fire trucks, but they lose pressure because of the power problems. Eric runs into the library to save heather, who has found Alice in wonderland and the little girl. Of course things are collapsing, and everything is on fire. Of course Eric Ashley and Heather make it out of the library through a window.

Jake and Stanley get the water going to the fire dept afterwards Jake takes Stanley’s scope and climb on top of the building to see if they got the water. When he’s up there he sees that the trailer park fire is out, but there is a lot of smoke, and that there is another fire going for Eric’s house. Then Jake sees Robert sitting in his back hard with a lot of satellite equipment, and a laptop. Robert of course sees him spying on him from his perch. Running to the library Jake tells Eric that his house is going to burn, and Eric tells him the library and Main Street are more important.

Robert and Jake go to save Eric’s house, some interesting exchanges about their past, neither admitting why they know what they know, but the message getting across that they aren’t the average bear. They get the water going on Eric’s house, but don’t save it.

Dale Turner loses everything in the fires; apparently they lost the whole trailer park..

Eric, and April move back in with the mayor.

The bar is closing, Jake is going to have a heart to heart with his father.. the presidential seal appears on the television. The mayor still has his worrying caugh. Jake is about to tell his father what he was doing in San Diego, but his father doesn’t care, he knows that whatever happened changed his son for the better.
List of flagged passports, Jakes name is on the list!

We close with everyone in the bar, the president is only on the satellite feed, as they gather to watch what’s going to happen, it suddenly goes to static. Then the rumbling starts… Everyone rushes out, and we see rockets streaming through the night sky.

Well I have to say this is the best episode yet. It raised so many questions, it tantalized me with answers that it didn’t deliver, and it just kicked my ass.

The library burning down is a very bad thing. If they are alone, if they have to rebuild the library would have been an integral tool in survival. When the antibiotics run out, when they need to fix something, where can they turn? Google is gone, and now so is the library. People forget how important a library is historically for keeping things together. Books are one of the reasons we aren’t hunter gatherers any more.

So, Jake is a suspect in whatever is going on? Is Robert on the side of the angels? Is Jake?

Rockets red glare indeed. The last scene where the tv fell to static and the rumbling started. I knew right away what it was, watching all those faces with this shocked face was awesome. Apparently the US (or whoever is in charge of the missiles) either found the enemy, or enacting MAD. People forget what MAD was all about, the fact that if one side went down all sides went down. The plan was to nuke enemies, and even possible enemies in the event of a nuclear war. How bad are things going?

Damn I hate waiting for new episodes.


Anonymous said...

Wow! What an episode. My first reaction at the end, when everything started rumbling was, "Oh sh*t! We got nuked again!" But then when they went outside, for a second, I'm thinking Combat Air Patrol? Then the obvious hit...ICBMs.

Great show. Some shortcomings, and the science is a bit sketchy at times. But all in all, a great show.

Midnighter said...

Yeah its an awesome show, keeps me on the edge of my seat. I thought for a second we might get tanks or something at the end of the episode, but then we get that night sky filled with ICBM's... Chilling.