BBC Programme Information have published plot details of Torchwood's tenth episode which airs 10pm, Sunday 17 December on BBC Three."When a plane which took off in 1953 makes an unexpected landing in present-day Cardiff, its three passengers are shocked to learn that they can never go back to their own time, as Russell T Davies's sci-fi thriller continues.The Torchwood team, led by Captain Jack Harkness, helps the passengers settle in contemporary society, but this simple task has painful emotional consequences.The cast includes John Barrowman as Captain Jack, Eve Myles as Gwen, Burn Gorman as Owen and Naoko Mori as Toshiko."For those without access to BBC Three there's another chance to see this episode on Wednesday 20 December on BBC Two.
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Torchwood Ep 10 upcoming |
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Jericho: Red flag |
Well, the episode basically centers around an unusual arrival. Basically that of relief supplies. The thing that confuses the townsfolk is this, the planes are soviet planes that haven't been made since the seventies, and the supplies are all Chinese...
to start the episode Jake and some of the new militia are turkey hunting for thanksgiving, and are worried that they won't be able to fight when the time comes because they cannot shoot turkey. out of nowhere they hear noise and see big planes on the horizon, the first planes they've seen since the attacks. They start to drop something with parachutes.. Jake opens one and it turns out to be food. Apparently they packets have been dropped all over town, and is causing quite the stir. In the center of town the people are gathered wondering what to do when the mayor tells them they can't eat the food. The mayor and some of the others think that this might be another attack,that the food might be poisoned. Of course the townsfolk,who are starting to get really skinny due to lack of food. Mayor Green takes the food and asks Gracie if they can store it in her store, but he interrupts a raid by Jonah and some of his boys. they had a deal with Gracie to supply her store in exchange for certain things, but things are getting scarce and they are taking what they want. The mayor makes a new deal with Gracie, one of the conditions being that her price gouging is over, so that she can store the food there. Meanwhile, back at the ranch Mimi comes to Stanley telling him that they have some parcels. She tells him about the two drops they got. One like the others, and another one is a rather large generator. She sends Mimi to town to tell everyone their good luck.
Gray tells the mayor that they need this food, and to prove that he thinks its not poisoned he breaks open some crackers and eats them. He seems to suffer no ill effects.
the Hawkins are starting their Thanksgiving dinner with no turkey and the kids are kind of miffed that Robert missed the thanksgivings before this one.
Jonahs men steal the generator from Stanley, and rough him up pretty well in the process. When he stumbles back into town Jake and the mayor mount a posse to get the generator back from Jonah.
We get a pretty serious shootout at Jonahs compound, but out of nowhere the flatbed truck with the generator comes screaming through the gates. Emily is driving it. She snuck into the compound and stole it out from under Jonahs Nose. The men regroup and head back to town.
While packing the parachutes away they make a discovery. RF-ID tags the US military uses for its equipment are in the parachutes. Who sent the food is a complete mystery.
The new generator set up. Robert goes and gets his family. they are made at first he missed his thanksgiving again, but this time he takes them out and shows them the generator. when the switch is flipped lights in the town start to come on. Robert tells his son, "this is what daddy did at work today"
Gracie is happy with the way things turned out, she goes into her darkened store. But out of nowhere somewhere grabs her from behind covers her mouth and stabs her in the gut. She drops like a sack of bricks to the floor.
to start the episode Jake and some of the new militia are turkey hunting for thanksgiving, and are worried that they won't be able to fight when the time comes because they cannot shoot turkey. out of nowhere they hear noise and see big planes on the horizon, the first planes they've seen since the attacks. They start to drop something with parachutes.. Jake opens one and it turns out to be food. Apparently they packets have been dropped all over town, and is causing quite the stir. In the center of town the people are gathered wondering what to do when the mayor tells them they can't eat the food. The mayor and some of the others think that this might be another attack,that the food might be poisoned. Of course the townsfolk,who are starting to get really skinny due to lack of food. Mayor Green takes the food and asks Gracie if they can store it in her store, but he interrupts a raid by Jonah and some of his boys. they had a deal with Gracie to supply her store in exchange for certain things, but things are getting scarce and they are taking what they want. The mayor makes a new deal with Gracie, one of the conditions being that her price gouging is over, so that she can store the food there. Meanwhile, back at the ranch Mimi comes to Stanley telling him that they have some parcels. She tells him about the two drops they got. One like the others, and another one is a rather large generator. She sends Mimi to town to tell everyone their good luck.
Gray tells the mayor that they need this food, and to prove that he thinks its not poisoned he breaks open some crackers and eats them. He seems to suffer no ill effects.
the Hawkins are starting their Thanksgiving dinner with no turkey and the kids are kind of miffed that Robert missed the thanksgivings before this one.
Jonahs men steal the generator from Stanley, and rough him up pretty well in the process. When he stumbles back into town Jake and the mayor mount a posse to get the generator back from Jonah.
We get a pretty serious shootout at Jonahs compound, but out of nowhere the flatbed truck with the generator comes screaming through the gates. Emily is driving it. She snuck into the compound and stole it out from under Jonahs Nose. The men regroup and head back to town.
While packing the parachutes away they make a discovery. RF-ID tags the US military uses for its equipment are in the parachutes. Who sent the food is a complete mystery.
The new generator set up. Robert goes and gets his family. they are made at first he missed his thanksgiving again, but this time he takes them out and shows them the generator. when the switch is flipped lights in the town start to come on. Robert tells his son, "this is what daddy did at work today"
Gracie is happy with the way things turned out, she goes into her darkened store. But out of nowhere somewhere grabs her from behind covers her mouth and stabs her in the gut. She drops like a sack of bricks to the floor.
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Back to Barrow |
There is a new video post up at the 30 days of night site... Looks like they are getting Barrow built. Can't wait to see this movie. I hope they get the atmosphere right.
In a sleepy, secluded Alaska town called Barrow, the sun sets and doesn't rise for over thirty consecutive days and nights. From the darkness across the frozen wasteland, an evil will come that will bring the residents of Barrow to their knees. The only hope for the town is the Sheriff (Josh Hartnett) and Deputy (Melissa George), a husband and wife who are torn between their own survival and saving the town they love.
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Buffy Season 8... |
"Buffy." Just say that one word out loud at a comic book convention and you'll find that everyone has an opinion about the cult favorite—and critically lauded—television show that lasted seven years. In addition to "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," creator Joss Whedon's opus resulted in a popular spin-off "Angel," and their combined popularity led to the Whedon launching "Firefly," a short lived sci-fi/western on Fox. While the latter series have been popular in their own right, it's "Buffy" that has become like a religion for so many fans invested in the tale of a lone woman tasked with saving the world from supernatural forces. Featuring some of the most dynamic and layered females characters on television, in addition to anti-heroes such as Angel & Spike, "Buffy" has continued to expand its reach with the consistently high-selling DVD sets. Fans have always longed for more tales of Buffy Summers and her "Scooby Gang," with rumors of made-for-television sequels surfacing every few months and now they have reason to celebrate.
Well Buffy fans, rejoice, for Joss Whedon recently spoke to "Entertainment Weekly" about "Buffy" Season 8—the comic book! "We're picking up almost right after season seven left off," he told the magazine. "I don't know exactly why it or how it happened. I just thought, 'Oh, I could do that! It would be fun!' It happens to me every now and then, and causes me to commit to things I really don't have time for."
Still, fans would love to see their favorite "Buffy"—and "Angel"—characters on their television screens again, but Whedon told "EW" why it's not likely. "I had been thinking about doing some TV movies based on 'Buffy' characters, but we could never get anything resembling financing together that was realistic, so it fell by the wayside. But that whole failed endeavor made me start thinking about what would happen next, and what the stories and mythology would be. I realized there was a lot to say, and it could make for a really fun comic book.''
Whedon also told the magazine that we'll see very minimal involvement from the "Angel" cast, as that series has their own comics published by IDW Publishing, but there will be a focus on the large amount of slayers now in the world. The scribe will also be using some ideas he originally included in the pitch for the spin-off "Slayer School," as well as introducing some interesting new conflicts into the lives of Buffy & Co. Don't expect to see a resolution to the "Angel" series, as Whedon hinted at other plans for the titular vampire-with-a-soul.
Comic book fans know that this isn't the first canonical adaptation of the Buffy-verse, with the "Fray" mini-series, from Dark Horse Comics, that introduced a very important weapon into the universe, used in Season 7 of the "Buffy" series. Whedon's also no stranger to comic books, with the uber-popular Marvel Comics series "Astonishing X-Men" under his belt, and his upcoming tenure on the fan-favorite "Runaways."
You can check out "EW's" website for more details and images from this new "Buffy" series.
Well Buffy fans, rejoice, for Joss Whedon recently spoke to "Entertainment Weekly" about "Buffy" Season 8—the comic book! "We're picking up almost right after season seven left off," he told the magazine. "I don't know exactly why it or how it happened. I just thought, 'Oh, I could do that! It would be fun!' It happens to me every now and then, and causes me to commit to things I really don't have time for."
Still, fans would love to see their favorite "Buffy"—and "Angel"—characters on their television screens again, but Whedon told "EW" why it's not likely. "I had been thinking about doing some TV movies based on 'Buffy' characters, but we could never get anything resembling financing together that was realistic, so it fell by the wayside. But that whole failed endeavor made me start thinking about what would happen next, and what the stories and mythology would be. I realized there was a lot to say, and it could make for a really fun comic book.''
Whedon also told the magazine that we'll see very minimal involvement from the "Angel" cast, as that series has their own comics published by IDW Publishing, but there will be a focus on the large amount of slayers now in the world. The scribe will also be using some ideas he originally included in the pitch for the spin-off "Slayer School," as well as introducing some interesting new conflicts into the lives of Buffy & Co. Don't expect to see a resolution to the "Angel" series, as Whedon hinted at other plans for the titular vampire-with-a-soul.
Comic book fans know that this isn't the first canonical adaptation of the Buffy-verse, with the "Fray" mini-series, from Dark Horse Comics, that introduced a very important weapon into the universe, used in Season 7 of the "Buffy" series. Whedon's also no stranger to comic books, with the uber-popular Marvel Comics series "Astonishing X-Men" under his belt, and his upcoming tenure on the fan-favorite "Runaways."
You can check out "EW's" website for more details and images from this new "Buffy" series.
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