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Thursday's world broadcast premiere of Spider-Man 2 on Fox included several behind-the-scenes views of Spider-Man 3, including the shot of Venom first shown at Comic-Con International and recently leaked on the Internet.
Fox expanded its primetime programming to 2-1/2 hours for Spider-Man 2, which was shown in an edited format.
Following commercial breaks, short segments were shown, including some new footage and comments from cast members.
A Venom image was noticably absent from the trailer that debuted on Thursday, Nov. 9. That following weekend, another trailer, which included a Venom ending and many in-the-works effects, leaked out on the Internet, sending Sony scurrying for its removal.
But the Venom scene was shown immediately on Thursday night in a teaser at the beginning of Fox's broadcast of Spider-Man 2.
Also shown was Willem Dafoe, who apparently is returning as Norman Osborn.
Click on the thumbnails below for larger images and look for more on Spider-Man 3 soon.